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Guides of the Hidden Realms Mini-Meditation Album

Readings from the Hidden Realms Exclusive video with Colette Baron-Reid


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For the first time EVER, Colette Baron-Reid has both written and fully illustrated her own oracle deck as an intimate, meaningful gift to her fans.

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Myths and legends speak of powerful, otherworldly beings acting as our trusted allies. The guides you meet in this deck act as sacred intermediaries between you and the Divine, aiding an intimate dynamic personal dialogue.

This 44-card oracle deck is designed to deliver messages that will help you navigate your journey, stay in alignment with realizing your greatest dreams and intentions, attract and create better relationships, and offer more harmony, fulfillment, and meaning to your life.

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Colette Baron-Reid is a world-renowned oracle expert and best-selling author published in 27 languages.

As a professional intuitive for over 36 years, Colette has provided guidance for tens of thousands of people all over the world. She is the founder and creator of Oracle School, which teaches students how to use oracles to manifest their unique, authentic, inspired lives.

Her greatest joy is teaching people how they can have a direct and personal dialogue with the Divine to help them create their best lives.

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Discover the story and inspiration behind the creation of this unique oracle deck. In this video, Colette shares how she turned to painting as a form of creative therapy during a time of spiritual seeking and burnout. Watch as she reveals her process of hand-painting each 30 x 40 inch canvas, channeling the Guides from the Hidden Realms, and transforming their messages into the stunning artwork and profound wisdom of the deck.

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Order the Guides of the Hidden Realms Oracle and claim your bonus gifts!

When Serenity Out of Exile is drawn, it’s a call to release yourself from perfectionism and hyperawareness.

Breathe deeply and give yourself permission to rest. 
You are worthy and nothing is worth depleting yourself for. When you know your worth, your choices will be in alignment with your destiny.

Allow Serenity to take its place within you once again!

When All The Blessings Everywhere appears, it’s a reminder to stop worrying and chasing outcomes.

Consider doing an inventory of your blessings. Recognize how your needs are always met and see the blessings in your life multiply.  

You are not alone. Trust that an Infinite loving Intelligence guides you, inviting you to weave your dreams into reality. Share your gifts with others and bask in the abundance of your life.

When you pick Epiphanies Sing at Dawn, it signifies that an aha moment is on the horizon.

Let go of overthinking and surrender to Spirit. Engage in simple, repetitive tasks and allow divine inspiration to flow. 
Trust that the answers will come when you release the need to control the timing and form.

Trust that Spirit has a plan and all the answers you need will be gifted to you when you’re truly ready to receive them.

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Experience Colette's Creative Journey:

EXCLUSIVE BONUS VIDEO—Readings from the Hidden Realms with Colette: What better way to break in your new deck than witnessing firsthand how Colette uses Guides of the Hidden Realms Oracle in her readings? This is a unique opportunity to connect with the Hidden Realms and experience the magic of using this deck, directly from its creator!

EXCLUSIVE BONUS CONTENT—GUIDES OF THE HIDDEN REALMS MINI-MEDITATION ALBUM: Explore the Hidden Realms, your destiny, and yourself with this bonus gift when you purchase this oracle deck. This enchanting collection includes three original guided meditations where you will meet wise guides, nurture your creative potential, and activate the magic within. Each meditation offers a transformative experience, empowering you to rest, recharge, and embrace your authentic path.

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